Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 13 - Ottawa Public Library Foundation

I'm a huge fan of the Ottawa Public Library. At any given time, I usually have a couple books, CDs, and DVDs out on loan. Working a block away from the main branch is fortunate, as I get to access the services they offer three days a week when I'm in the office. For the reasons above, I donated to the Ottawa Public Library Foundation. Yes, municipal tax dollars help cover the library expenses, but with a planned move to a new facility in the near future, and costs rising for materials, donations help maintain their vast array of services.

1 comment:

  1. The Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association is another option (

    You can buy your books at one of their 14 bookstore locations in library branches for usually just a dollar or two.

    Each year the Friends give the library about $250,000, raised by book sales.
